You should desire to work with Janée & Financial Healing for Women if you are looking for freedom from the bondage of debt & the shame attached to you from your finances. If structure and organization has been a struggle for you and it’s keeping you from accomplishing your goals in your personal and business finances. If you don’t feel like you are living the life you are truly called to live and you know thriving financially is a part of that. If you want to break generation bondage that was handed to you but not chosen by you.

How can we support your financial healing journey?

The Abundance Academy
The Abundance Academy is an all-inclusive/supportive personal finance community where you learn the knowledge, wisdom, and expertise from financial professionals. It's your one stop for reaching financial abundance. We make sure to help motivated woman drop financial shame, smash their tangible and intangible goals one step at a time, and live the abundant life God says you can have - at your own pace.

Executive Financial Services
Collaborate with Janée in private to enhance your business finances. Our Executive Financial Coaching services are crafted for overwhelmed yet highly successful six-figure business owners aspiring to achieve expansion and growth. This exclusive service specifically centers on bookkeeping and financial strategy within your business finance. Schedule a call now to elevate your financial approach.

Brittany Stouermier
This experience has been such a huge accountability lesson. Having the tools to visually see where my funds were going brought a lot to light. Most importantly I am able to factor in my tithes at the right amount was a blessing. Being able to give what I've strived to be able to do is such a huge blessing. Thank you for all the support!!!

Dominque Ward
We started the worksheets yesterday and 🤯😭🙌🏾 God started to reveal roots of things as I continued to write and answer the questions. I paused at my why’s. This information and the questioning is so powerful sis! I love the way you put the scripture before we went in to answer the questions that will re-frame our present and future. It is different this time. This is the beginning of financial freedom for us. I am so excited.